2012년 2월 26일 일요일

Romeo and Juliet (soundtracks)

Romeo and Juliet (soundtracks)

As one of Shakespeare’s most popular plays, Romeo and Juliet has been re-imagined many times.
Romeo and Juliet, 1968, dir. Franco Zeffirelli

This Academy-Award-winning film stars Olivia Hussey and Leonard Whiting as our doomed lovers. It is a very faithful adaptation for the most part – set in 15th century Renaissance Italy, starring actors who were almost as young as the characters in the play (15 and 17), using Shakespeare’s original dialogue. The only changes are fairly small; the film has a different final scene than the play, several scenes were eliminated, and so on. These are all fairly standard changes when going from play (or book) to film, as some things simply work better on the stage (Juliet’s dramatic final monologue, for example) than in a movie (where she simply says one line and stabs herself).
This movie does a lot of things right – the ages of its stars in particular. Shakespeare meant for Romeo and Juliet to be young, headstrong and – let’s face it – a little bit stupid (or perhaps blind with love), and the youth and physicality of the play really hits home when you see Hussey and Whiting together. Shakespeare’s original dialogue also sparkles, and Zeffirelli was good at cutting out scenes that might have made the movie drag on.
Bottom line: this is the version to watch to get the most faithful adaptation – it’s probably pretty close to the story as Shakespeare intended it to be seen.

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