2012년 2월 3일 금요일

Be careful, if you want to buy new car

Terrible experience.
(1)  Contract Sienna 2012 in Dec,30,2011
I went to the Toyota-office in Utah on 30 December, 2011.  I went there because I wanted to buy Sienna 2012.  A dealer and two supervisors came to me and they said “In their store, there is no Sienna 2012.”  But if I contract it now, I will receive Sienna within 3 or 5 days.  They also said that they won’t do the driving test on this car with other customers.  So I made a contract Sienna 2012.

(2)  Received car in Jan, 7, Jan, 1, 2012
I received a call from Toyota around 6 p.m. on 7 January, 2012.  They said “Your car is here.”  So I went to the office with my daughter who is 10 years old at 8 p.m.  When I started the engine to go my house, it wasn’t starting up.  Outside was very cold that day.  My daughter cried because she was worried how we can go home.  A dealer brought a jump cable to make the battery work.  We tried three times. Finally, the car stated.  I almost spent two hours there.  

(3)  I found they were cheating on me in Jan, 8, 2012 
I checked inside of the new car on 8 January, 2012.  The mileage was 340 and another important thing was that the year was 2011 not 2012.  I was very shocked.

(4)  Dealer argued this is a new brand car in Jan, 9, 2012
I called my dealer and I said “I don’t think this car is mine. The mileage is over 340 and it is made by 2011.”  He said “You Know this car is new brand, it is yours.”  So I went to the office and had a talk with a supervisor.  I told him the facts that I noticed which this car is a 2011 car, I ordered 2012. I also have evidence which is its pamphlet displays 2011.”  The supervisor was embarrassed and he said to me, “I am sorry about your uncomfortable.”  And he printed inventory detail paper out; I found out that it says the wrong price which was about $500 cheaper than I was paid.  He promised me that if a new car is coming, he will change the price right and until a new car is coming I can drive this car. 

(5)  A week later, I did not receive a new car Jan, 17, 2012
I went to the office on 17 January, 2012 to make sure that my car is coming.  One of the supervisors said to me, “Your car will be coming maybe tomorrow or next day.”  I said “I’m worried about the car accident.  I don’t think I have insurance on this car.”  They didn’t say anything.

(6)  Received a Sienna 2012, after 25days I contracted Jan, 23, 2012
I had driven this car which I received at the first time very slowly with an extra care.  Because I didn’t want any car accident.  Even though it was their fault to give me a wrong car, they didn’t do anything for me such as giving me insurance on this car.  They just let me use this car until I will receive the right one.  I hadn’t given a call from them till January 23, 2012 so I called again.   They said “the car is here so come pick it up.”  I went there and when I received the right one, they didn’t say anything about the price that I over paid.  I asked them first about it, they said something like the inventory detail paper that they brought last time was the wrong one.  So they brought another paper.  However, this paper also showed me that I over paid $361.  I argued them the price which I paid before still isn’t right.  They said even though I over paid more than a real price, they spend too much money to bring a new car from some place so just receive $200 instead of $500 that they promised me before.  They said they will send $200 by a check; however, I haven’t got it yet.  The one more thing that I couldn’t accept was that when I received my car (the right one) second time, the gas was only half filled.

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