2012년 4월 19일 목요일

Family Physician Kit


Family Physician Kit

dōTERRA's Family Physician Kit is a collection of ten nurturing essential oils, including six single oils and four oil blends. The stunning box includes tips for using the oils, as well as an audio CD featuring dōTERRA's Chief Medical Officer, Dr. David K. Hill. In this audio presentation, Dr. Hill teaches listeners how to care for their family's everyday health needs with simple and safe methods using the ten nurturing essential oils. The kit includes 5 ml bottles of Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Melaleuca, Oregano, Frankincense, Deep Blue, Breathe, Digestzen, and On Guard to help families address a multitude of health issues.



We recently asked you on our Facebook page to tell us how dōTERRA has changed your life from a business or financial perspective for the chance to win a free Family Physician’s Kit ($167 Retail Value). We received so many inspiring comments that we found it too difficult to narrow our selection to just one, so we chose five! Thanks to everyone who participated. We love learning about the many wonderful people who are helping us spread the word about a healthy dōTERRA lifestyle.

Here are the comments we selected:


Alisha Owens
“I was introduced to dōTERRA as a safe, natural alternative to medication for my family. I reached out to friends and family and simply shared our experience.
That’s all it took! Now, with the help of dōTERRA I am able to stay home and raise my little girls!”

Angela Villa
“dōTERRA has allowed me to take my financial security into my own hands! My husband was laid off twice in a three-month time frame. We had to borrow money for rent, we were on food stamps, and received help from our church. I made a decision that I was going to do dōTERRA as a business! It all clicked in a matter of moments. I have reached Silver and I no longer call my parents to help pay my rent. We are off food stamps! I have every bill paid on time every month. The opportunity dōTERRA provided has changed my life  in so many ways! dōTERRA is a true blessing in my life!”

Julie Haslem
“I have owned small businesses and been involved in other MLMs/Direct Sales companies, all of which came with much stress and/or hard work with minimal results. dōTERRA is a refreshing change! I realize now that it’s not about the money, rank, or material things. It’s about loving people and making a difference in their lives. dōTERRA provides a way to do just that, as well as pay some bills.”

Lindsey Bailey
“Financially, I’m a dōTERRA beginner. Although I’ve been an IPC for a little over a year, I’ve only more recently begun to build a business. Currently, the income is small, but it’s exciting to see rank advancement and checks. I’m a school teacher and barely make enough money for bills while I put my husband through school. dōTERRA is that little extra that allows for some fun and flexibility. I plan on making it a strong income in the future as I expand my business, and hope one day to be able to share dōTERRA while being a stay at home mom, and also to not worry about having monetary stability for my family.”

Sarah Titus
“I have had my own, very successful, online business for 8 years now. I stopped that business and started selling dōTERRA exclusively for 6 weeks now. I have made more money in the last 6 weeks than I did in my reselling business! I’m a stay at home mom. I don’t really know anyone outside of church. If I can do it, anyone can! Love dōTERRA.”


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