2012년 4월 29일 일요일

Sarabande And Variations From The Suite In D Minor

Sarabande And Variations From The Suite In D Minor






my daughter's business

My daughter, Su, started a business. 

It's only in my house right now.

Massage, and Nails painted.

Sometimes, if she doesnot have customer,

she give us some discount coupon.

For example, 50 percent discount ticket.

I usually like special massage with pure oil.

Ah, good.

Yesterday I saw her purse, and I surprised.

Fifty two dollars.








dō̄TERRA Women Phytoestrogen Lifetime Complex is a blend of natural plant extracts that support hormone balance throughout the different phases of a women's life. Phytoestrogen Lifetime Complex includes a standardized soy extract with genistein, a powerful phytoestrogen that binds with estrogen receptors in cells, and the natural phytoestrogens in pomegranate. It also includes a concentrated extract of flax seed lignans to help manage potentially harmful metabolites that are produced when estrogen is metabolized in the liver. Balancing hormones and managing harmful metabolites by eating a healthy diet, rich in phytoestrogens and other essential nutrients, exercising, and managing weight can help reduce uncomfortable symptoms associated with PMS and the transition through menopause and help support healthy bones, heart, breast tissue and other body structures and functions as a women ages.*

3526   60 capsules



Women begin to build bone mass at an early age, reaching a maximum bone density in their late twenties. As a woman ages, bone mass begins to decline and bones become more brittle. Declining bone density and health can be accelerated in women whose diets do not include optimal levels of bone nutrients and whose hormones are out of balance. Not managing harmful estrogen metabolites can also accelerate bone degeneration. dōTERRA's Bone Nutrient Lifetime Complex is a blend of vitamins and minerals that are essential for bone health including vitamins C and D, calcium, magnesium and other trace minerals. Bone Nutrient Lifetime Complex can be used by women (and men) of all ages as a dietary supplement to conveniently increase consumption of the bone nutrients found in healthy foods but often deficient in our modern diets.


dōTERRA Women Solace is a proprietary blend of Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils that have been traditionally used to balance hormones and manage symptoms of PMS and the transitional phases of menopause.* Solace is a topical blend of clary sage, lavender, bergamot, Roman chamomile, cedarwood, ylang ylang, geranium, fennel, carrot seed, palmarosa and vitex that provides a temporary respite from cramps, nausea, hot flashes, and the emotional swings which are sometimes associated with regular hormone cycles in women.

3527   10 ml


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여성 에게 필수 요소인 호로몬 조절, 뼈를 튼튼하게 해주는 철분 바이타민등이 들어 있습니다.


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CLEAR SKIN ESSENTIAL( pimple, blackhead)






With a unique blend of essential oils including rosewood, melaleuca, eucalyptus globulus, geranium and lemongrass, along with black cumin seed oil, dōTERRA Clear Skin topical blend creates an environment unfriendly to bacteria and microbes that cause unsightly and persistent reactions in the skin. Beneficial properties include controlling overactive sebaceous glands, soothing irritated skin and assisting in cell rejuvenation. It's the answer to troubled skin.

3717   10ml roll on



Designed to thoroughly cleanse the skin of impurities without stripping natural moisture, dōTERRA Clear Skin Foaming Face Wash is scientifically formulated to create a harmonious balance for beautifully clear skin. This gentle cleanser gives skin a spa-like treatment with light foaming action and a fresh scent. A powerful yet gentle combination of Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils, blended with other key ingredients are a perfect solution for problem skin of all ages.

3718  1.7 fl. oz. / 50ml



CLEAR SKIN FOAMING FACE WASH 는 얼굴의 여드름, 기미, 잡티제거에 효과를 나타 냅니다.

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2012년 4월 26일 목요일

Blue Deep oil (ease achy joints and sore muscles)

Deep Blue?

According to recent studies, more than half of us are sufferers of ongoing discomfort. Deep Blue is dōTERRA's soothing solution to this challenge. Wintergreen, camphor, peppermint, blue tansy, German chamomile, helichrysum and osmanthus work together to ease achy joints and sore muscles. Its effects are deep and penetrating with sustained results. Once gently rubbed into the area of discomfort, Deep Blue's cool therapeutic benefit will be felt almost immediately.*

3138   10ml roll on

Deep Blue
Soothing Blend

According to recent studies, more than half of us are sufferers of ongoing discomfort. Deep Blue is dōTERRA's soothing solution to this challenge. Wintergreen, camphor, peppermint, blue tansy, German chamomile, helichrysum and osmanthus work together to ease achy joints and sore muscles. Its effects are deep and penetrating with sustained results. Once gently rubbed into the area of discomfort, Deep Blue's cool therapeutic benefit will be felt almost immediately.*

3105  5ml bottle

미국의 경우, 약 3천만명의 인구가 관절염이나 관절 자체의 염증으로 고생하고 있습니다. 이로 인해 사회적으로 직장 인력의 감소는 물론이거니와, 개인적으로도 심각한 활동 장애 등의 손실을 초래합니다. 관절염은 주로 어른들에게서 발생되지만, 때로 아이들도 가지는 질환입니다.


관절은 두 개 또는 그 이상의 뼈들이 맞닿는 곳입니다. 예를 들어 무릎 아래에 있는 경골과 위쪽의 대퇴골이라 불리는 뼈가 만나 무릎 관절을 이루는 것입니다. 엉덩이는 공 모양의 뼈와 그 뼈가 들어 갈 수 있는 주머니로 된 관절로 이루어 집니다. 공 모양의 뼈는 대퇴골의 상부(대퇴골두)이며, 주머니는 골반의 일부분인 관골구입니다.
관절을 이루는 뼈들의 끝은 연골이라는 부드러운 재질로 싸여 있습니다. 연골은 쿠션 역할을 하여 관절이 쉽게 움직이도록 도와 주는 역할을 하며, 이 관절은 활막이라 불리는 섬유질 막으로 싸여 있습니다. 활막은 관절이 마찰하는 것을 방지해 주는 활액을 분비합니다. 또 인대는 뼈들을 연결해 주어 관절을 안정되게 유지시키며, 근육과 건은 관절에 힘을 실어 주어 동작이 가능하도록 해 줍니다.
염증은 상처나 질병에 반응하는 인체의 정상적인 현상입니다. 상처가 있거나 질병이 있는 관절인 경우에는 부종, 통증, 관절이 뻣뻣한 증상 등을 동반합니다. 대개 관절염의 경우 생기는 염증은 일시적인 것이나 때로는 장기적이면서 영구적인 불구의 상태를 초래하기도 합니다.
관절염의 유형

관절염의 종류는 100가지가 넘습니다.

퇴행성 관절염이란?

가장 흔한 관절염의 유형입니다. 젊은 시절 관절을 많이 사용하거나 상처를 입어 이미 시작되었을 수도 있지만, 증상은 주로 노인들에게서 보여 지는 유형입니다. 주로 몸무게가 실리는 무릎, 엉덩이, 척추 관절에서 발생되지만, 그 외에도 외상이나, 골절, 과도한 운동 등으로 인해 모든 관절 부위에 발생될 수 있습니다.
퇴행성 관절염의 경우, 뼈 끝을 감싸고 있는 연골이 닳은 것입니다. 많은 경우에, 퇴행성 관절염이 있는 관절에 골극(극돌기)이라 불리는 뼈가 발달됩니다. 관절의 염증은 통증과 부종을 일으키며, 그 관절을 계속 사용하게 되면 통증이 발생됩니다. 휴식을 통해 통증이 약간 감소될 수는 있습니다.

류마티스성 관절염

류마티스성 관절염은 장기 질환으로 관절을 포함하여 인체 각 부분에 영향을 주는 질병입니다. 류마티스성 관절염은 관절 부분이 부으면서 주위 조직까지 침범하며, 특정 화학 물질을 분비하여 관절 표면을 공격하여 파괴시켜 버립니다. 주로 손과 발의 관절에서 발생되지만, 간혹 엉덩이, 무릎, 팔꿈치 등의 관절에서도 발생되기도 합니다. 사용하지 않는 관절임에도 불구하고 부종, 통증, 뻣뻣한 증상이 발생됩니다. 류마티스성 관절염은 모든 연령층에서 발생되지만, 전체 환자의 70%이상은 30세 이상입니다. 많은 관절들에서 동시에 발생될 수도 있습니다.

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2012년 4월 19일 목요일

Family Physician Kit


Family Physician Kit

dōTERRA's Family Physician Kit is a collection of ten nurturing essential oils, including six single oils and four oil blends. The stunning box includes tips for using the oils, as well as an audio CD featuring dōTERRA's Chief Medical Officer, Dr. David K. Hill. In this audio presentation, Dr. Hill teaches listeners how to care for their family's everyday health needs with simple and safe methods using the ten nurturing essential oils. The kit includes 5 ml bottles of Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Melaleuca, Oregano, Frankincense, Deep Blue, Breathe, Digestzen, and On Guard to help families address a multitude of health issues.



We recently asked you on our Facebook page to tell us how dōTERRA has changed your life from a business or financial perspective for the chance to win a free Family Physician’s Kit ($167 Retail Value). We received so many inspiring comments that we found it too difficult to narrow our selection to just one, so we chose five! Thanks to everyone who participated. We love learning about the many wonderful people who are helping us spread the word about a healthy dōTERRA lifestyle.

Here are the comments we selected:


Alisha Owens
“I was introduced to dōTERRA as a safe, natural alternative to medication for my family. I reached out to friends and family and simply shared our experience.
That’s all it took! Now, with the help of dōTERRA I am able to stay home and raise my little girls!”

Angela Villa
“dōTERRA has allowed me to take my financial security into my own hands! My husband was laid off twice in a three-month time frame. We had to borrow money for rent, we were on food stamps, and received help from our church. I made a decision that I was going to do dōTERRA as a business! It all clicked in a matter of moments. I have reached Silver and I no longer call my parents to help pay my rent. We are off food stamps! I have every bill paid on time every month. The opportunity dōTERRA provided has changed my life  in so many ways! dōTERRA is a true blessing in my life!”

Julie Haslem
“I have owned small businesses and been involved in other MLMs/Direct Sales companies, all of which came with much stress and/or hard work with minimal results. dōTERRA is a refreshing change! I realize now that it’s not about the money, rank, or material things. It’s about loving people and making a difference in their lives. dōTERRA provides a way to do just that, as well as pay some bills.”

Lindsey Bailey
“Financially, I’m a dōTERRA beginner. Although I’ve been an IPC for a little over a year, I’ve only more recently begun to build a business. Currently, the income is small, but it’s exciting to see rank advancement and checks. I’m a school teacher and barely make enough money for bills while I put my husband through school. dōTERRA is that little extra that allows for some fun and flexibility. I plan on making it a strong income in the future as I expand my business, and hope one day to be able to share dōTERRA while being a stay at home mom, and also to not worry about having monetary stability for my family.”

Sarah Titus
“I have had my own, very successful, online business for 8 years now. I stopped that business and started selling dōTERRA exclusively for 6 weeks now. I have made more money in the last 6 weeks than I did in my reselling business! I’m a stay at home mom. I don’t really know anyone outside of church. If I can do it, anyone can! Love dōTERRA.”


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2012년 4월 15일 일요일

slim & sassy trim kit (lose weight)





Four 15 ml bottles Slim & Sassy essential oil blend, Chocolate TrimShake and Vanilla TrimShake




Slim & Sassy TrimShake is a convenient and delicious shake mix providing the essential nutrients of a healthy meal* with only 125 calories per serving. Used as a meal replacement for one or more meals each day, TrimShake can help you lose unwanted fat stores through calorie restriction and regular exercise. TrimShake also includes a patented weight-loss ingredient Essentra? Trim that has been demonstrated to help with managing the stress hormone cortisol associated with fat storage. TrimShake blends well with water or milk for a low-calorie, low-glycemic, high-fiber satisfying meal alternative† with 16 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber per serving.

3520    20 serving canister



Slim & Sassy TrimShake is a convenient and delicious shake mix providing the essential nutrients of a healthy meal* with only 125 calories per serving. Used as a meal replacement for one or more meals each day, TrimShake can help you lose unwanted fat stores through calorie restriction and regular exercise. TrimShake also includes a patented weight-loss ingredient Essentra? Trim that has been demonstrated to help with managing the stress hormone cortisol associated with fat storage. TrimShake blends well with water or milk for a low-calorie, low-glycemic, high-fiber satisfying meal alternative† with 16 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber per serving.

3518    20 serving canister



dōTERRA's Slim & Sassy is a proprietary formula of grapefruit, lemon, peppermint, ginger, and cinnamon essential oils. Just add 8 drops to 16 oz. of water and drink between your healthy meals throughout the day to help manage hunger, calm your stomach, and lift your mood. Slim & Sassy is 100% pure essential oils, does not contain diuretics or stimulants, and has zero calories.

3137    15 ml bottle



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Doterra - Independent Product Consultants

Independent Product Consultants

dōTERRA's Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade™ essential oils and essential oil wellness products are sold exclusively through Independent Product Consultants who, working from home, introduce, educate, and sell dōTERRA products for which they receive sales commissions. The dōTERRA home-based business opportunity represents a part-time income for many Independent Product Consultants who share their personal enthusiasm for our products with friends and associates via in-home demonstrations and by referring people to personalized web shopping sites. Others enjoy significantly higher sales commissions with a fulltime commitment to building global customer organizations and by sponsoring and mentoring other Independent Product Consultants for which they receive additional sales bonuses.
For a low registration fee of $35, you will enjoy the following benefits as a dōTERRA Independent Product Consultant:
If you have considered owning a home-based business of your own and would like to become a member of our rapidly expanding product consultant team,
click here
and we will locate an Independent Product Consultant in your area that can tell you more about our business opportunity.

2012년 4월 13일 금요일


제목 없음

Uses of Essential Oils